Green materials and unique designs for circular and resistant urban lighting luminaires

Green materials and unique designs for circular and resistant urban lighting luminaires
5 Luglio 2022 lorelux_redazione

Energy transition driving eco-sustainable development. Lorelux in the Italian Il Sole 24 ore daily newspaper.

The eco-sustainable revolution goes through lighting. Il Sole 24 ore presents the Italian entrepreneurial fabric, which is proving to be receptive, ready to change and able to develop projects combining innovation, saving and environmental respect. Among them is Lorelux, a brand of circular and resistant luminaires able to guarantee saving and environmental sustainability, aiming at Italian manufacturing.

“The Made in Italy supply chain frees the brand from the timing of international markets, thus guaranteeing faster shipping and production times, while the manufacturing technique allows producing uniquely designed luminaires without limits of expression for architects and Municipalities”

Read the full article (IT)

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