LUX EUROPA 2022: Lighting at the dawn of the new era.

Prague, 20-22 September 2022

LUX EUROPA 2022: Lighting at the dawn of the new era. Prague, 20-22 September 2022.
16 Settembre 2022 lorelux_redazione

Lorelux innovation will be among the protagonists of the 14th European Lighting Conference, which will take place in Czech Republic from 20 to 22 September 2022.

A conference looking at the new challenges of the post-pandemic era and paying particular attention to the specific problems of the European countries.

Among the topics covered:

  • Smart working and lighting
  • The importance of adaptive road lighting
  • The future of the education of the European lighting professionals
  • Environment-friendly public lighting

Our paper deals precisely with this last theme. Our speaker and Technical Director, Giuseppe Vendramin, will explain how it is possible to make public lighting sustainable by using resistant and durable materials for the manufacturing of next-generation lighting bodies.

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