Italian City awarded for choosing Lorelux circular lighting
-“The solution meets all the needs in terms of efficiency, sustainability, resistance and aesthetics”
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The Circular Lighting Report UK appreciates Lorelux sustainability
-The Circular Lighting Report, English online guide to the latest developments in sustainable and circular lighting, welcomed with great interest the circularity of Lorelux luminaires.
Lorelux, the eternal luminaires
-Ambient&Ambienti, online magazine about environment and its topics – among the many, sustainable development, circular economy and renewable energies – dedicates an article to Lorelux luminaires.
LIGHT SYMPOSIUM 2022: Re-thinking lighting design in a sustainable future Copenhagen 21-23 September.
-Alessandro Deodati, Head of the Research and Development Department, will present our study on sustainable and resistant materials in the urban lighting, which were translated into Lorelux luminaires.
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