LIGHT SYMPOSIUM 2022: Re-thinking lighting design in a sustainable future.

Copenhagen 21-23 September

LIGHT SYMPOSIUM 2022: Re-thinking lighting design in a sustainable future Copenhagen 21-23 September.
16 Settembre 2022 lorelux_redazione

How can lighting design play an essential role in a sustainable future?

With the Light Symposium Conference, Denmark – a green records country – encourages lighting professionals, researchers and students to share their eco-friendly solutions in the field of lighting, in order to make it more and more innovative, and at the service of both people and planet.

Alessandro Deodati, Head of the Research and Development Department, will present our study on sustainable and resistant materials in the urban lighting, which were translated into Lorelux luminaires.

The Aalborg University of Copenhagen offered a precious occasion for sharing researches and solutions, and for re-thinking lighting design in a greener way.


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